Food Stuff
Olive Oil

Olive oil has a long, rich heritage that dates back to the beginning of historical times. The first life seen after Noah after Deluge was the branch of an olive tree brought back by a dove. Since then, the olive branch has been used as a symbol of life and peace. Olive oil also contains antioxidants, which help protect the body from harmful molecules called "free radicals," which may accelerate the aging process and contribute to the onset of several diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.


Do your eyes and taste buds rejoice, but your conscience feel guilty every time you’re eating shrimps because you’re worried about their cholesterol content? Shrimps, the most delicious seafood are considered perfectly healthy to eat for people with normal cholesterol level. Infect, scientists have found that if you steam or grill your shrimp it helps you fight cancer, keep skin, nail and hair healthy, prevent anemia, Boost energy, build strong bones and stabilizes Sugar level. It all about eating it the right way!  More information

Mazola Oil

Mazola cooking oil is 100% pure oil with no additives, so the great flavor of your food comes through. It is also cholesterol free and has become a healthful tradition in cooking since its birth in 1911.

Mazola oil maintains you Blood pressure resist heart disease, beats diabetes and other strokes.

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is the foundation to our company and we pay a lot of effort in research and development for better products to our clients. We provide kinds of sesame oil for you to choose, including pure sesame oil, pure black sesame oil, blended sesame oil, cold pressed sesame oil and hot sesame oil. Get more information of full sesame oil series by check our website below or you can contact us whenever you need.

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